
It has been such a joy sharing my thoughts with you each week. Perhaps I will continue to do so. As for now, this will be my last post. The family is such an incredible unit and thinking of its importance in our society can be overwhelming. Especially as a parent with the huge responsibility of raising children. Teaching them right from wrong and good from bad. And as difficult as parenting may be, you still have to worry about your marriage and its success. Are you doing enough for your spouse? Are you each taking the time to spend time together? And on top of your children and your spouse, you still need to take care of yourself and make sure that you are happy and healthy in order to care for your children properly and nurture your marriage with goodness and positivity. What a task! We are so lucky to have a loving Heavenly Father who has given us all of the tools that we need to be successful I all areas of our life! Emotionally, spiritually, menta
Our Heavenly Father is so amazing. It is hard to comprehend His perfection completely. He has created a perfect plan for His imperfect children. His love is eternal and also difficult to comprehend. He loves us unconditionally and perfectly despite our mistakes and weaknesses and failures. He is the ultimate parent. We are here on this earth to become more like our Heavenly Father and He is first and foremost our Father and Creator. So what better way to become more like Him than to become a parent and to love as He loves and to teach as He teaches. Being a parent is such a great gift as I imagine our Heavenly Father looks at it. I can imagine that it is not always easy to love your children unconditionally. I am not a parent, but I look forward to the day when I am. Parents are to nurture, guide, teach, protect, support, and most importantly love their children. Parents need to teach their kids how to be responsible and what it means to be responsible. I beli
Women in the workforce and men at home versus men in the work force and women at home. Which is more beneficial for the children? How has this affected our society today? And what is God’s plan for His children. I have a fairly strong opinion on this topic, however I also believe that everyone has their agency and they are able to disagree. That being said, I do not aim to offend or make anyone feel that their way of life is wrong by any means. Growing up in southern California, my dad went to work every day as he ran his own business, while my mom would wake us up and make breakfast and throw some lunches together and drop us off at school. She would then volunteer every now and then in the classroom and she was always there on time to pick us up when school was out. We would then arrive home and do homework, play with friends, go to a sports practice and dad would be home by dinner. My dad has provided well for us and I cannot imagine my childhood any other