It has been such a joy sharing my thoughts with you each week. Perhaps I will continue to do so. As for now, this will be my last post.

The family is such an incredible unit and thinking of its importance in our society can be overwhelming. Especially as a parent with the huge responsibility of raising children. Teaching them right from wrong and good from bad.

And as difficult as parenting may be, you still have to worry about your marriage and its success. Are you doing enough for your spouse? Are you each taking the time to spend time together?

And on top of your children and your spouse, you still need to take care of yourself and make sure that you are happy and healthy in order to care for your children properly and nurture your marriage with goodness and positivity.

What a task! We are so lucky to have a loving Heavenly Father who has given us all of the tools that we need to be successful I all areas of our life! Emotionally, spiritually, mentally, physically. He has covered it all.

As we grow old with our family and our children grow up and begin to leave the house, things will change. What a blessing it is to know that we can be together forever as parents grow older and pass away and as children begin to have their own children and careers and responsibilities. Some families grow apart as these events and special occasions occur. Others grow closer. You decide what will happen with your family. And although you cannot always change the attitudes or behaviors of your siblings, you can adjust your own attitude, behavior, and outlook.

Choose to look on the bright side. Through the good times and the bad times. Pain is inevitable, but misery is a choice. Life will always consist of ups and downs. We are always waiting for the next storm to arrive; therefore, we must always be wearing the armor of God. Our faith, diligence, and perseverance will help us gain eternal life. Choose the right. Be faithful. Be obedient. Endure to the end.

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles encouraged, “You keep your chin up. It will be all right in the end. Trust God and believe in good things to comeSome blessings come soon, some come late, and some don’t come until heaven; but for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they come.”

I agree with this with all of my heart and I know that our Heavenly Father will never let us down. Look to Him, counsel with Him, trust His guidance and His servants. I am so grateful for this gospel and for the testimony that I have been blessed with. My testimony is not perfect, and it is through trying times in which it grows the most. Glue yourself to Jesus Christ and His gospel and the truth that he died for you because of love. And you Heavenly Father sent you down here, not to suffer, but to learn from mistakes and to experience true and lasting joy and peace. I love Him and I am eternally grateful for His example.


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