Women in the workforce and men at home versus men in the work force and women at home. Which is more beneficial for the children? How has this affected our society today? And what is God’s plan for His children. I have a fairly strong opinion on this topic, however I also believe that everyone has their agency and they are able to disagree. That being said, I do not aim to offend or make anyone feel that their way of life is wrong by any means.

Growing up in southern California, my dad went to work every day as he ran his own business, while my mom would wake us up and make breakfast and throw some lunches together and drop us off at school. She would then volunteer every now and then in the classroom and she was always there on time to pick us up when school was out. We would then arrive home and do homework, play with friends, go to a sports practice and dad would be home by dinner.

My dad has provided well for us and I cannot imagine my childhood any other way than with my mom at home. I believe that it is important for women to be at home with their children and for men to be the primary breadwinners. This is more beneficial for the children as they are able to spend more time in the home with their mothers rather than in daycare facility where there may be differences in rules and parenting which can then conflict with home life. I do understand that there are some situations where both mother and father need to work in order to put food on the table and a roof over their heads. To these people I would say, be wise with your money, pay your tithing, and count your many blessings.

As is stated in The Family: A Proclamation to the World, “fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners.”

More and more women seem to think that it is less important to marry because they are focused on their career. And if they do marry, they are less likely to have children, again due to their career. There is no times for kids. I feel that so many women and married couples are missing out on the joy that Heavenly Father is waiting to bless them with. A joy that only children can bring into this world. How sad that people are putting money and position above family. Now some may not see it this way, however I believe that there is no better position than motherhood. The pay may not be as good in the short run, but the benefits are heavily outweighed by the laughs and memories made.

 Our loving Heavenly Father has created a perfect plan for us and He created us! He intended for mothers to be nurturers and fathers to be providers. God does not make mistakes. He has created these responsibilities for both men and women and has deemed them sacred. When the father works, and the mother stays at home with the children, this does not make him superior by any means or vice versa. They are obligated to help one another. This means that dad does not come home, expect dinner on the table and then sit down to watch television. This means that he comes home to his children who are ecstatic to see him, and he plays for a while and perhaps helps out with dinner. He leads in family prayer and scripture study before bedtime. They both help with the teeth brushing and the bathing and such. There should be no superiority in a marriage, or between men and women in general.


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