Science leads us to truth. Truth leads us to the desire to find more truth, therefore we begin to seek that truth more and more. Within the church, science backs up many of the truths that we as members of the church are taught. The more truth that you find, the more willing you are to live the principles that are taught by the church. As we live the principles taught by the church we are happy, and we want to start sharing that happiness with others so that they can begin their journey of finding truth and happiness

Science has proven, and we have learned that children are better off in families with a biological mother and father rather than in a single parent home or in the home of a same sex couple. Science is proven by starting with a hypothesis and then experimenting by testing that hypothesis which then proves something right or wrong.

There are four different theories that have been discussed in class this week. The conflict theory involves a struggle for power, control, authority, influence, and/ or force. Of course, this creates conflict in the home and in a relationship.

There is also the systems theory which involves rules and roles. Unspoken rules as well as spoken. Within families there are many unspoken rules, such as where everyone sits for dinner. However, there are also spoken rules which if not followed, there are consequences. An example of this could perhaps be hitting a sibling and the consequence is time out.

Exchange theory is one that is not particularly popular nowadays, but there are positive aspects as well as negative aspects with this theory. Some couples married or not may struggle with this. Some may feel that they are making more sacrifices than their partner or significant other. Or one partner is putting way more effort into the relationship than the other. There needs to be a strong balance and equality in the relationship so that both partners are satisfied and happy. It is a team effort.

Symbolic interaction theory is when people interpret things in the wrong way. Something is said, and they think to themselves, ‘what they really mean is….’ Or they think that they know what the other is thinking.

 In a family system, there needs to be adjustment and support as well as love and balance and willingness to participate. There are many different examples of these families. The families that are too open or too closed, the people that are listeners, and those that are peacemakers. When families are growing together, and children are being raised, there are certain roles that each of the family members played. As was mentioned earlier, the peacemaker, listener, troublemaker, or rebel. I have noticed that when I get together with my family that I revert back to my old ways, not that I am particularly acting like a child again, but I sometimes act the way that I did when I was in high school because I am so comfortable with my family.

The man and wife in a relationship need to be one in their decisions that they make, and their actions need to be thoughtful and intentional when interacting with each other and with their children as well. Their roles are the most important in a family system as they create the environment in which their children will be raised, and they influence the roles very much that their children will have as well. Families are central to God’s eternal plan of happiness and without families, it is very difficult to find fulfillment and purpose in this life.


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