So many people in the world today are so incredibly worried about what others think of them. It is like a competition, who can have the most money, the biggest house, the most expensive car, the nicest jewelry. Who shops where and who wears what. Our world is so consumed by appearance. It feels that many people do not follow what they want. Even when it comes to religions. People may be religious at home or church but out in public, they do not want others to know that they are religious or that they belong to a specific faith.

I have a friend who has a tattoo which says, “live your truth”. What does it really mean to live your truth and does that apply at all to real life. How do people determine their truths? I believe that so many people try to be different. They wear the “hottest styles” even if they don’t like them because that want to fit in or be recognized and complimented for looking like a Kardashian. They are not living their truth. It seems that in a way, it is harder for people to be themselves because they have such a big fear of being made fun of, even among friends. Kids in high school want to hang around a group of people or a clique because they are ‘popular’ even if they don’t actually like the people in that group. Social status is all that matters to some people, and how can you be truly happy if all you are worried about is how you look or what you are driving or where you are shopping even, if your kids’ hair is done or if they have a runny nose.

I think that more people need to just be themselves. There is a lot more of this going on today, however, I feel that a lot of it is just people jumping on the bandwagon. I won’t go into detail about this now, I will save that for another time.

It’s nice to dream of a world where everyone is accepting of everyone. Where it truly does not matter what kind of car you drive or where you buy your clothes or where you live, or even what kind of phone you have. Every person is different, and every family is different and there needs to be respect for those cultures that have been created in each home.

The ultimate example of acceptance is Jesus Christ. He only judges righteously. If we could all see each other the way that Christ sees us, we would be so much happier and have so many more friends. I am so grateful for his example and his endless love. There are many people who rely on other things to feel fulfilled. They rely on material things that can be taken away. If we were all humble and forgiving, there would be so much more peace in the world.

I believe that if we all relied on others difference and strengths, that our weaknesses can be strengthened. Our loving Heavenly Father made us all different for a purpose, so that we could learn and grow from one another, not so that we can judge and belittle. We need to turn to Christ. We cannot take away social classes and politics and different cultures, but we can believe in others and ourselves. We can be kind and we can follow the example of Jesus Christ and serve and love everyone and I know that this will bring lasting happiness and peace to our lives. Into our homes and our families and the communities and people that we surround ourselves with.


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